Dear Best Friends: Thanks for Sticking with Me (and my ADHD)
Dear Best Friends
First, let me just say—you’re superhero’s. Not the cape-wearing, city-saving kind (although that’d be cool), but the kind who puts up with texts at 2 a.m. because I just had to share that meme with the ducks wearing gumboots.
I know being my friend isn’t always easy. Like the time you asked me about making plans but I couldn’t commit because it was still 8 days away and my brain can’t compute that far ahead. Or when I interrupted you mid-story about your day because my brain was so excited to share a thought that I had to get out before I forgot it.
My ADHD brain works in mysterious ways, and sometimes it feels like even I can’t keep up with it.
The Thing About ADHD and Friendships
Here’s the truth: ADHD doesn’t just make me forget appointments or double-book plans. It also makes me overthink every little thing I say, wondering if I talked too much or if I accidentally offended you. Did I seem too distracted? Did I remember to ask how you’re doing? Sometimes my brain gets so caught up in trying to be a good friend that it trips over itself.
And then there’s my time blindness. You’ve probably noticed that my “I’ll be there in five minutes” often means “I haven’t even left the house yet.” It’s not that I don’t value our time together—I just honestly lose track of how long things take.
Why You Mean So Much to Me
Despite all of this, you’ve stuck around. You laugh with me when I leave my bag at the restaurant, and you triple check plans because you know that I’ve forgotten that I promised to babysit. You don’t hold my quirks against me, and you forgive me for the times I get it wrong.
You’ve taught me what unconditional friendship looks like. You remind me that my value isn’t in how well I remember birthdays or keep track of plans but in how much I care.
What I Want You to Know
I know I’m not the easiest person to be friends with, but I’m so grateful for you. You’ve seen me at my most scattered, most overwhelmed, and most distracted, and you’ve never made me feel like I’m “too much.”
So, thank you—for your patience, your kindness, and your understanding. Thank you for being ok when I haven’t been paying attention and I stare blankly at you as you wait for me to answer your question. And thank you for reminding me that it’s okay to be human.
You’re not just my best friends—you’re my anchors, my cheerleaders, and my partners-in-chaos. I don’t say it enough, but I appreciate you more than you’ll ever know.
With all my love (and probably a forgotten coffee date somewhere in there),
Your ADHD friend